Saturday, April 7, 2012


I had a sweet little thought today. My daughter had a birthday party almost a month ago and we paid extra for the 'good helium' in her balloons. We wanted them to last longer than just a day or two. Well we are going on 27 days and they are still afloat, a bit saggy, but afloat. There is one sad yellow one that is tied to 2 other balloons and it's getting very weak. The balloon is staying afloat mostly because of the support of the other 2 stronger balloons. The immediate thought I had when I looked at this sad yellow balloon was how much the strength of others can uplift us. We may be on the edge of defeat but sometimes that little extra boost is what we need to stay 'afloat' one more day. Now I'm not expecting this weak balloon to all of a sudden shoot to the moon, but it was nice to think of those in my life who have helped me when I was a bit 'saggy!' The pillars around us may not realize how influential they can be at certain times. They may not understand their value or importance, and yet God can use them. I am so thankful for those who have showed a quiet and humble example of what a life can be & helped me along the way! Here's to staying afloat!

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Little Loves of my Life

Stay at home Mamas~

While chatting with a friend today I came to the realization that being a stay at home mama is nothing to sneeze at! When you actually do the math and realize how much time, effort, love, tears, & self that you put into your children everyday, it's mind boggling! For the record I have been a mother for 797 days-19,128 hours!!! If you do the math, I have earned 18.39 weeks of vacation already (and only seen 1). Some days I dream of those 17.39 weeks and where I'd go, what I'd see, or who I'd visit. Let's face it, I'd spend it sleeping, eating, sleeping, reading, sleeping, & taking showers until I turned into a human prune! I would listen to whatever music I wanted, as loud as I wanted, but more importantly I'd enjoy the peace & quiet. My phone would be shut off & I honestly might not even want anyone with me! Okay, maybe the hubby can come too, but only if he promises not to ask me for anything. I will not be doing dishes, laundry, cleaning, organizing, or sorting of any kind. I will only eat foods that don't require cutting, in fact knives aren't even coming on this 'vacation.' All foods must be able to be eaten w/o utensils b/c I chop, slice, section, peel, dice, cut, & split way too many foods into tiny toddler bites everyday, all day! I also will be refusing to wipe up messes as well. I guess if he gets syrup in his hair, or somehow throws up on anything, it will be his own problem!

When someone asks me 'what do you do for a living' I tend to get this feeling of dread. I look at my adorable children and feel embarrassed. WHY?!?! I wish I had the confidence to say 'I am currently the Head of Security, Safety Administrator, Education Director, Discipline Enforcer, Financial Manager, Charge Nurse, Chauffeur, Ring Master, & Personal Chef of these tiny HUMAN BEINGS!' I wake up to 1 of 3 things every morning. 1) My 2 year old saying "mama, all done" while she physically pulls my covers off or throws my glasses at my head. 2) That same 2 year old slamming our bedroom door shut so she can get into mischief w/o mommy & daddy hearing her or 3) Said 2 year old turning on my very bright, interrogation room like lamp & peering in my eyes to see if I'm up yet! I can't say which of these I prefer, it would be a tough call. From that moment when my eyes open, it's a whirlwind of getting Annelise her 'boilll' aka pill aka vitamin (which is her very first request for breakfast) and keeping the baby happy enough to feed my little trooper. I sometimes set the timer on the microwave for when we can FINALLY go wake up daddy! I have to admit, the sound of that dumb beeping sometimes is the sweetest music to my ears! Then it's his turn to have a fun personal wake up call from Annelise. She tends to just start getting his clothes out for him to get dressed. She pulls out a t-shirt, gets his jeans from behind the bathroom door, and brings him all 3 belts he owns. She's a big fan of belts right now. As he groggily realizes his sweet slumber is over for the day I sometimes feel bad, but we're in this I help yank off the sheets! I didn't have these kids on my own! From then on we are full throttle til bedtime.

It's hard to remember life before kids. I think God planned it that way. If I could remember every lazy day I enjoyed, or every time I left the house w/ only a purse, I may miss it too much. Instead I revolve around my cute little tornadoes that daily convince me that I want to continue to be their mama tomorrow. I put my everything into these 2 little people who puke, poop, pee, scratch, bite, & throw things at me! They also happen to be adorable, clever, unpredictable, & loving creatures if the mood strikes them! I laugh every day and only cry some days, so I guess that's a win, right?