Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy 2mo Bday Little Man~

It's hard to believe our little guy is 2 months old today! He sure has stolen our hearts (and some sleep) in these past 9 weeks! I don't think I've ever loved something so tiny and cuddly so much. He lights up when he sees me and his big smile melts my heart. He's started talking and wiggles a lot on his changing table. That's one of his favorite places. He just lays there and smiles up at me, even when I'm yanking clothes on and off etc.

He LOVES to be held, and prefers me above others. This is a bit challenging when I want to get things done but it does make me feel special and needed, which I can't help but like. He's lost most of his hair and has a coldesac going on. Everyone says he looks like my dad (Dale). I think it's b/c they both have bald heads and big cheeks! I think they are both adorable!

He has started to sleep for longer stretches. When he does wake up he is STARVING, and doesn't want to wait more than 5 sec before all wail breaks loose (0:

I had no idea, when I had Annelise as a newborn, how easy it is to go any and everywhere with them. I always saw it as a huge challenge. Now that there are 2 of them I have a new outlook. If I get the chance to go to the store, with only 1 kid, it's a breeze! Either he sleeps happily in his carseat (most of the time), or she rides along in the cart and says hi to everyone! Now put 2 in the cart (which fills the entire thing btw) and it's a totally different story. You need another person just to push your 2nd cart so you can actually buy something. If you only need enough that you could use a basket I'd suggest skipping the experience all together and just wait it out! haha.

Annelise is at a sleep over at Gramma's tonight. We'll see if she leaves her jammies, onsie, & diaper on tonight. I heard her chattering away in her bed this morning but since she was happy I rolled back over and dozed off....until I heard....that distinct crisp sound of a diaper flap being ripped away from it's secure place! YIKES! I was feeding Russell so I woke Eric up as fast as I could and sent him running into her room before we ended up w/ a new mural we hadn't planned on! Oh help us. She was startled when he barged in and burst into instant tears. Guess getting caught in the act is pretty emotional when you're almost 2! Oh the relief of avoiding a possible disaster, and the dread knowing it will happen one of these days...SOON! Bring out the duct tape!

Russell is happily napping on the couch and I'm catching up on our office stack of junk. Feels good to purge a bit. Mom helped overhaul our pantry today and it looks amazing! So clean and clutter free.

I managed to make bran muffins this morning and yummy pork chops from the freezer tonight! That is a recipe that I plan on using often! So yummy! (Apple Pie Pork Chops)
I felt like I was eating dessert and the main course all at once! What a yummy combo.

I'm heading to bed and looking forward to sleeping in. It's not often that a tiny voice doesn't wake me up by 7 saying...'Mama, Mama, All Done! All Done!' When that doesn't rouse me fast enough she pulls out things like 'Uh Oh and Ucky' to frighten me into getting my butt moving! Sometimes I just shake my head thinking about how brilliant she is. Now if only I could motivate myself like that! haha.

Goodnight world...until tomorrow
Sweet Dreams!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


 Here's my little Russell! 
 Annelise decided to join in the photo shoot
 My groceries
 Sarah's groceries/supplies
 Mmm Bacon!
 The finished burritos for our house
 Healthy Mama BBQ Chicken

 Stephanie's Goulash
 Apple PIe Pork Chops
Cranberry Chicken

All of these recipes came from except for the burrito recipe. Not sure how they will turn out yet but they're all in the freezer waiting to be eaten! Each one only requires being thawed and then put in the crock pot for 4 hours on high or 8 hours on low! How easy is that?!? So excited to start enjoying them after all the hard work put into making them yesterday.

Once these are tried and true I will be happy to post recipes.

Jan 3rd & 4th~

I didn't find time to write yesterday (the 3rd) so I'm catching up today.

Yesterday was my first 'cooking day' of the year. My friend, Sarah, & I decided to start the year out right by filling our freezers with some healthy and easy meals. I went searching online and found some fun recipe blogs and other ideas for what might be yummy and quick.

Here is a list of the recipes we decided to make:
Cranberry Chicken
Apple Pie Pork Chops
Stephanie's Goulash
Healthy Mama BBQ Chicken
Breakfast Burritos

Here is a rundown of the day...and what a crazy day it was.
1)Woke up to find out mom was sick and can't babysit (setback #1)
2) Sent Annelise with daddy instead but only for a couple hours
3) Organize huge list and head to 2 stores with a 9 wk old baby
~This involved 2 carts/store and at one point he was so mad we had to 'drive' both carts with only 3 arms...this may not sound hard but they were both stuffed full and all Sarah could do was push. I took over steering and we made it to the checkout...but it wasn't a fun experience!
4) Sarah loaded the car while I changed Russell who almost had a blowout! ughh
5) Rushed home and Sarah unloaded groceries while I fed Russell (can you see a pattern emerging yet?!?)
~poor Sarah
6) Eric and Annelise return home for a quick lunch and then it's nap time for her...except all she wants is mommy and has a major meltdown!
7) Managed to get a quick tuna sandwich down the hatch and some ingredients sorted and started prepping.
8) Eric bounced Russell for awhile but pretty soon his need of Mama returned again!
9) Basically the rest of the day we passed around the 2 kids while the other 2 adults worked in the kitchen.
Between the 3 of us we cooked 6 dozen eggs, bacon, & sausage for the burritos and prepped 20 dinners! I'd say that's pretty impressive for how clingy the munchkins were! There is only so much play doh for Annelise and Russell only took 1 nap in my baby carrier. BTW holding 15# on the front of you while trying to prep all day is exhausting...Note to self...CANCEL if the babysitter CANCELS! duh...

All in all we were finally done around 9pm when I pretty much passed out on the couch. (hence no blog post yesterday)

~This morning we ate 4 of the breakfast burritos and they were ok. Mine are super plain b/c of the no dairy factor...which is killing me! Eric's were good b/c they had way more ingredients and flavor. Gotta stay mild for my little guy but sneaking a bite sure made me jealous!

We had meeting this morning and both kids did great. That was a nice surprise. We got daddy off to work and Annelise had a good nap. Gramma was over and we enjoyed her company and help today. Russell has decided I really am his favorite female so I didn't get quite as much done as I'd like, but what else is new?!?
However, I did get to snuggle my adorable little man...which I know will be over soon so I try to appreciate it now. Glad he did go down for a nap here and there and Gramma did get to hold him a bit. These past few days really make me wonder why God didn't create us with 4 arms. If it was up for a vote it would definitely get mine! (0:

I'll add on recipes and pictures another day...too tired! Time for this mama to go to bed. Goodnight world~

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2~

As January 2nd comes to a close I am anticipating here on out. I have a huge cooking day planned w/ Sarah tomorrow. Annelise will be staying with my parents so I only have my little guy to tend to. She is officially 23 months old today. Hard to believe I only have a month until she is 2! Time to start planning her party!

Accomplishments today: Organized even more of my kitchen and kept it spotless ALL DAY! Made muffins tonight in my new mini muffin pan (having 2 is proving awesome already.)

I signed up for 2 different 52 week challenges. One is to organize your house/life and the other is to simplify. They sound somewhat similar but I figure I can use all the help I can get. Looking forward to the challenge and getting my life MORE BALANCED! That is the point to all of this after all.

Funny happening:
I decided that Annelise deserved some mommy time so I dedicated the afternoon to her. We played with a spice shaker and spaghetti for awhile...the spaghetti ended up in my glass of water instead. She got to use a sticker book for the first time and then used a pen to 'color' all over the pages. I decided I needed to come up with something else fun to do that would take up some time before dinner so we decided on a bubble bath. She's never really had a super bubbly bath so today was the day. I thought she'd love it...WRONG! I put her in and she just sat there, serious as can be, and didn't move. I climbed in and started chatting away and trying to play with no avail! Finally I called 'daddy' up there and we both found it pretty funny that she wasn't interested in this new version of her favorite pass time. He went to tend the baby and she started banging on the tub, like I had, to get his attention. He came and rescued her and she was then quite pleased! I showed her how you can clap and the bubbles fly all over the bathroom...then she thought they were cool! Needless to say her jammies had very wet sleeves after our little bubble bath experience. Maybe someday she'll love them like I do.

She also surprised us today by saying the word alligator. Russell had one on his outfit and she pointed to it and said 'Allie' plain as day! We had no idea she actually knew what one looked like so it was a bit shocking to have her just pick right up on it. Silly girl.

Ring Around The Rosie is a brand new game she learned with daddy today. Pretty cute to see her dance in circles with him and giggle the whole time. I think we're in for lots of repeats on this one!

I'm going to get my December pics edited tonight since my oldest monkey is in bed already. Time to catch up before the massive amount of pics I take daily becomes too big of a mountain. Until tomorrow....Sweet dreams!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

To begin...

You may be wondering why I named this blog Red Glasses & Cake. Well it was the first 2 things I thought of when trying to describe myself, and what I love. Life should never be boring, and for me that starts with color! I love bright hues and can go a bit over board when it comes to paint etc! I LOVE wearing red glasses b/c everyone I meet knows I can't be too boring, right off the bat. I went to a trade school for bakery and pastry arts so the CAKE part is a no brainer. I love to bake and am trying to fall in love with cooking. It's a slow process but I'm getting spoonful at a time. I find the more organized I am, the more I enjoy it!

A little bit about me: 
* I never go to bed with dirty dishes in my sink if I can help it. I believe in rinsing everything...ALWAYS!
* I love making 'to do' lists but seem to never cross everything off before starting a new one. 
*I believe in having friends over NO MATTER what my house looks like. It might be a mess but I love having lots of people around so I try to not worry about the disaster and just enjoy their company. LIfe is way too short to be as picky as I am in my head.
* I hate worrying about punctuation so if it bothers you...maybe you should stop reading this blog right now.
* Being a stay at home mom is the hardest job in the world...if you disagree come on over and give it a try for...a week! I'll pencil you in. (0:
*I have 2 kids who keep me on my toes and sleep deprived most of the time. (Annelise 23mo & Russell 2mo) They light up my life and make me laugh everyday, but sometimes it's hard to not have an outlet for me.... hence this blog!
*I have a husband who is a wonderful provider and dad, of which I am very thankful for!
*My mother is practically Martha Stewart and amazes me on a daily basis. I hope to someday have her insane ability to have a very organized life and patience that seems to be larger than the moon. She finally lives only 30 min away and I love how much fun we have together. She's who I want to be like.
*Luckily I have amazing friends and more support than anyone deserves or could even need!

I'm not sure how I ended up with such a great life but the same time it seems overwhelming and hard a lot of the time. This blog is an open book into my world. 

As for 2012 and my plans...
I honestly don't see the point in having HUGE goals that I will never accomplish. I already know it's going to be a good year b/c I like my life and don't have unrealistic expectations. 

So far I've done 2 loads of laundry, given my kitchen a mini makeover (cleaned off the counters etc), and started a blog...all before 7am. 

>>It is now almost 10:30pm. I had to go nurse Russell and never ended up finding my way back on here until now. 

Today I found, printed, and organized my first 'cooking day' of 2012 with my friend Sarah. I'm looking forward to stocking up on some yummy meals and starting the year off right. I'll post recipes if they are any good. I'm pretty picky but they sound amazing reading the ingredients list.

It has been a very long first day of the year and I'm more than exhausted. Heading to bed looking forward to a new day tomorrow with my hubby home! 

Annelise learned to say "Daddy" yesterday instead of "Dada"...and today she started saying "Baby" instead of "DeeDee". We're making progress mini me is mimicking like crazy!