Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Jan 3rd & 4th~

I didn't find time to write yesterday (the 3rd) so I'm catching up today.

Yesterday was my first 'cooking day' of the year. My friend, Sarah, & I decided to start the year out right by filling our freezers with some healthy and easy meals. I went searching online and found some fun recipe blogs and other ideas for what might be yummy and quick.

Here is a list of the recipes we decided to make:
Cranberry Chicken
Apple Pie Pork Chops
Stephanie's Goulash
Healthy Mama BBQ Chicken
Breakfast Burritos

Here is a rundown of the day...and what a crazy day it was.
1)Woke up to find out mom was sick and can't babysit (setback #1)
2) Sent Annelise with daddy instead but only for a couple hours
3) Organize huge list and head to 2 stores with a 9 wk old baby
~This involved 2 carts/store and at one point he was so mad we had to 'drive' both carts with only 3 arms...this may not sound hard but they were both stuffed full and all Sarah could do was push. I took over steering and we made it to the checkout...but it wasn't a fun experience!
4) Sarah loaded the car while I changed Russell who almost had a blowout! ughh
5) Rushed home and Sarah unloaded groceries while I fed Russell (can you see a pattern emerging yet?!?)
~poor Sarah
6) Eric and Annelise return home for a quick lunch and then it's nap time for her...except all she wants is mommy and has a major meltdown!
7) Managed to get a quick tuna sandwich down the hatch and some ingredients sorted and started prepping.
8) Eric bounced Russell for awhile but pretty soon his need of Mama returned again!
9) Basically the rest of the day we passed around the 2 kids while the other 2 adults worked in the kitchen.
Between the 3 of us we cooked 6 dozen eggs, bacon, & sausage for the burritos and prepped 20 dinners! I'd say that's pretty impressive for how clingy the munchkins were! There is only so much play doh for Annelise and Russell only took 1 nap in my baby carrier. BTW holding 15# on the front of you while trying to prep all day is exhausting...Note to self...CANCEL if the babysitter CANCELS! duh...

All in all we were finally done around 9pm when I pretty much passed out on the couch. (hence no blog post yesterday)

~This morning we ate 4 of the breakfast burritos and they were ok. Mine are super plain b/c of the no dairy factor...which is killing me! Eric's were good b/c they had way more ingredients and flavor. Gotta stay mild for my little guy but sneaking a bite sure made me jealous!

We had meeting this morning and both kids did great. That was a nice surprise. We got daddy off to work and Annelise had a good nap. Gramma was over and we enjoyed her company and help today. Russell has decided I really am his favorite female so I didn't get quite as much done as I'd like, but what else is new?!?
However, I did get to snuggle my adorable little man...which I know will be over soon so I try to appreciate it now. Glad he did go down for a nap here and there and Gramma did get to hold him a bit. These past few days really make me wonder why God didn't create us with 4 arms. If it was up for a vote it would definitely get mine! (0:

I'll add on recipes and pictures another day...too tired! Time for this mama to go to bed. Goodnight world~

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the recipes and the website!! Such an awesome idea!
