Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy 2mo Bday Little Man~

It's hard to believe our little guy is 2 months old today! He sure has stolen our hearts (and some sleep) in these past 9 weeks! I don't think I've ever loved something so tiny and cuddly so much. He lights up when he sees me and his big smile melts my heart. He's started talking and wiggles a lot on his changing table. That's one of his favorite places. He just lays there and smiles up at me, even when I'm yanking clothes on and off etc.

He LOVES to be held, and prefers me above others. This is a bit challenging when I want to get things done but it does make me feel special and needed, which I can't help but like. He's lost most of his hair and has a coldesac going on. Everyone says he looks like my dad (Dale). I think it's b/c they both have bald heads and big cheeks! I think they are both adorable!

He has started to sleep for longer stretches. When he does wake up he is STARVING, and doesn't want to wait more than 5 sec before all wail breaks loose (0:

I had no idea, when I had Annelise as a newborn, how easy it is to go any and everywhere with them. I always saw it as a huge challenge. Now that there are 2 of them I have a new outlook. If I get the chance to go to the store, with only 1 kid, it's a breeze! Either he sleeps happily in his carseat (most of the time), or she rides along in the cart and says hi to everyone! Now put 2 in the cart (which fills the entire thing btw) and it's a totally different story. You need another person just to push your 2nd cart so you can actually buy something. If you only need enough that you could use a basket I'd suggest skipping the experience all together and just wait it out! haha.

Annelise is at a sleep over at Gramma's tonight. We'll see if she leaves her jammies, onsie, & diaper on tonight. I heard her chattering away in her bed this morning but since she was happy I rolled back over and dozed off....until I heard....that distinct crisp sound of a diaper flap being ripped away from it's secure place! YIKES! I was feeding Russell so I woke Eric up as fast as I could and sent him running into her room before we ended up w/ a new mural we hadn't planned on! Oh help us. She was startled when he barged in and burst into instant tears. Guess getting caught in the act is pretty emotional when you're almost 2! Oh the relief of avoiding a possible disaster, and the dread knowing it will happen one of these days...SOON! Bring out the duct tape!

Russell is happily napping on the couch and I'm catching up on our office stack of junk. Feels good to purge a bit. Mom helped overhaul our pantry today and it looks amazing! So clean and clutter free.

I managed to make bran muffins this morning and yummy pork chops from the freezer tonight! That is a recipe that I plan on using often! So yummy! (Apple Pie Pork Chops)
I felt like I was eating dessert and the main course all at once! What a yummy combo.

I'm heading to bed and looking forward to sleeping in. It's not often that a tiny voice doesn't wake me up by 7 saying...'Mama, Mama, All Done! All Done!' When that doesn't rouse me fast enough she pulls out things like 'Uh Oh and Ucky' to frighten me into getting my butt moving! Sometimes I just shake my head thinking about how brilliant she is. Now if only I could motivate myself like that! haha.

Goodnight world...until tomorrow
Sweet Dreams!

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