Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2~

As January 2nd comes to a close I am anticipating here on out. I have a huge cooking day planned w/ Sarah tomorrow. Annelise will be staying with my parents so I only have my little guy to tend to. She is officially 23 months old today. Hard to believe I only have a month until she is 2! Time to start planning her party!

Accomplishments today: Organized even more of my kitchen and kept it spotless ALL DAY! Made muffins tonight in my new mini muffin pan (having 2 is proving awesome already.)

I signed up for 2 different 52 week challenges. One is to organize your house/life and the other is to simplify. They sound somewhat similar but I figure I can use all the help I can get. Looking forward to the challenge and getting my life MORE BALANCED! That is the point to all of this after all.

Funny happening:
I decided that Annelise deserved some mommy time so I dedicated the afternoon to her. We played with a spice shaker and spaghetti for awhile...the spaghetti ended up in my glass of water instead. She got to use a sticker book for the first time and then used a pen to 'color' all over the pages. I decided I needed to come up with something else fun to do that would take up some time before dinner so we decided on a bubble bath. She's never really had a super bubbly bath so today was the day. I thought she'd love it...WRONG! I put her in and she just sat there, serious as can be, and didn't move. I climbed in and started chatting away and trying to play with no avail! Finally I called 'daddy' up there and we both found it pretty funny that she wasn't interested in this new version of her favorite pass time. He went to tend the baby and she started banging on the tub, like I had, to get his attention. He came and rescued her and she was then quite pleased! I showed her how you can clap and the bubbles fly all over the bathroom...then she thought they were cool! Needless to say her jammies had very wet sleeves after our little bubble bath experience. Maybe someday she'll love them like I do.

She also surprised us today by saying the word alligator. Russell had one on his outfit and she pointed to it and said 'Allie' plain as day! We had no idea she actually knew what one looked like so it was a bit shocking to have her just pick right up on it. Silly girl.

Ring Around The Rosie is a brand new game she learned with daddy today. Pretty cute to see her dance in circles with him and giggle the whole time. I think we're in for lots of repeats on this one!

I'm going to get my December pics edited tonight since my oldest monkey is in bed already. Time to catch up before the massive amount of pics I take daily becomes too big of a mountain. Until tomorrow....Sweet dreams!

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